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What is a fire strategy drawing?


A fire strategy drawing is a detailed layout plan that outlines the fire safety measures in a building. It shows the location of fire exits, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and other fire safety equipment. The drawing will also demonstrate how the building is compartmentalized to prevent the spread of fire and how it complies with relevant fire safety regulations.


A fire strategy can be multifaceted, incorporating numerous fire safety related guidance, whatever is included or omitted, it will be specifically tailored to a building, reviewing all aspects of the building’s fire safety features including construction, compartmentation strategy, means of escape and other fire safety features/measures – including management arrangements in place to ensure it is fit for use for the end user of the premises or intended purpose group. It’s a key instrument that helps ensure that a building is safe for its occupants in the event of a fire.


What is included in a Fire Strategy?

  • Means of warning
  • Means of escape
  • Internal fire spread/passive fire protection.
  • External fire spread.
  • Access/egress & facilities for fire rescue services


Other factors:

  • Active systems – sprinkler or other suppression systems,
  • smoke control and ventilation systems
  • Fire Safety Management for the Building
  • Detection sensor locations
  • Firefighting info – hydrants/risers locations etc


Why do you need a Fire Strategy?


An essential design component of a building is the creation of a fire strategy. This could be for new or old buildings; all buildings should have one. The fire strategy should be comprehensive and take into account all aspects of fire safety, including firestop, risk, and compartmentation. A crucial part of the fire strategy is the creation of a fire strategy drawing. In this blog post, we’ll explore what a fire strategy drawing is and the key benefits of using one. A fire strategy will not only help to ensure that the risk of a fire occurring is minimised, but it will also aid in making sure that people can easily escape the building, when required.



Key Benefits of using a fire strategy drawing


Ensuring compliance with regulations: The creation of a fire strategy drawing ensures that a building complies with all relevant fire safety regulations. Failure to comply can result in significant fines or even closure of the building. A fire strategy drawing allows for clearer and more informed fire risk assessments as well as building management. It’s essential to ensure that it is up to date and accurately reflects the building’s use, occupancy, and fire safety measures.


Identifying risks and hazards: The creation of a fire strategy drawing helps recognise potential risks and hazards within a building. This includes identifying areas where a fire is most likely to start and spread. It’s essential to identify these risks and hazards to ensure that the building’s fire safety measures are effective and appropriate.


Ensuring effective fire compartmentation: Compartmentation is an essential aspect of fire safety in buildings. It involves dividing a building into separate compartments to prevent the spread of fire and smoke. A fire strategy drawing will show how the building is compartmentalized and will ensure that the fire safety measures in place are effective.


Facilitating communication between stakeholders: A fire strategy drawing is an essential tool for facilitating communication between stakeholders. This includes building owners, tenants, fire safety officers, and contractors. It ensures that everyone is aware of the building’s fire safety measures and can work together to maintain and improve them.


Reduced risk of injury and fatalities: Ultimately, the key benefit of using a fire strategy drawing is the reduced risk of injury and fatalities in the event of a fire. A well-designed fire strategy drawing ensures that a building’s fire safety measures are effective and appropriate, reducing the risk of harm to occupants.


In conclusion, a fire strategy drawing is an essential component of any building’s fire safety measures. It helps ensure compliance with regulations, identifies risks and hazards, ensures effective fire compartmentation, facilitates communication between stakeholders, and ultimately reduces the risk of injury and fatalities in the event of a fire. As a responsible person for a buildings fire safety, it’s essential to ensure you have access to an accurate and up-to-date fire strategy drawing for every building you oversee to ensure the safety of its occupants.