0800 254 5260 info@murusfire.co.uk

What is a Fire Strategy and why is it important?

What is a fire strategy drawing?   A fire strategy drawing is a detailed layout plan that outlines the fire safety measures in a building. It shows the location of fire exits, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and other fire safety equipment. The drawing will also...

Is a fire door active or passive fire protection?

An Overview of fire doors A fire door set is a type of passive fire protection system used in commercial buildings. The purpose of a fire door is to prevent the spread of fire and smoke by maintaining a fire compartments integrity, and to provide a safe means of...

Passive fire protection, what is it and why does it matter?

Fire safety is of the utmost importance in all buildings, regardless of whether they are residential or commercial. Passive Fire Protection (PFP) is a crucial aspect of fire safety that helps to contain, compartmentalize, and slow down the spread of fire. In this blog...

Passive Fire Protection awareness for Facilities Managers

The spread of fire can be restricted by sub-dividing buildings into several distinct compartments. These fire compartments are separated from one another by fire walls and fire floors made of a fire-resisting construction which hinders the spread of fire from one...